So now I wanna write a book. Just need to figure out how to publish without having to spend a lot of money. Hard to make money when you aint got none. That's how the poor stay poor I guess. You can make a good amount by saving and not doing anything. So long as you have a descent job and only pay for the basics. Shelter, food and electricity. Makes things harder though, no phone, no car no internet, would save a lot of money, but most can't really do that. No car means you need a close job, no phone means you need to live close to anyone that might need you and no internet means only being able to apply to jobs that have actual applications that aren't online. Also most jobs want you to have a number to contact so that makes it hard too.
People say that people used to have more money back in the day, I just think they had less to spend it on. Didn't have internet to pay for, only land line phones, food was cheaper (yet people also made less) cars weren't a necessity and if you had one, it wasn't against the law to not have insurance (if they even had that) health insurance wasn't a requirement and doctors were actually affordable.
The wealth gap wasn't all that different back then either. You still had rich and poor but there was also an in between. Now we seem to have the one percent and the working class. That's it. And the working class complains about each other. Like somehow you're superior to someone who doesn't have as many hours as you, or simply cause they're younger than you, you have superiority cause you've got "more experience". People don't work together anymore, its always trying to find a way to make yourself better than the next guy. I don't get it, why can't we help each other without worrying that we're gonna get screwed over? Why do people hate so much about others that they don't know? I hate people that I do know because I know what kind of person they are. But how can you make that judjment about someone you've never even talked to? Someone you've only seen passing by? When you don't even know their name? It doesn't make any sense.
Damn, I always get off from my original topic when writing these things. Doctors and friends call it ADHD and say I need meds. I say meds are evil and I can figure it out myself. I'm stil alive this long I think I can manage. Even if I forget where I was going when I leave the driveway, or decide to take a detour to Walmart when I was going to the post office. Sometimes I really don't see how its the ADHD, I was told mom brain is a real thing and I can blame it on that for the next 18 years