Saturday, June 23, 2018

So Pokemon GO

Pokemon go got a new update. Trading is finally in the game. All you have to do is be friends with the people you're trading with (cause who really wants to take a strangers pokemon?) so people all over are already becoming friends with themselves. I mean cause who that still plays only have one account? My husband has 2 and my sister has 4 but oh no! We cant trade legendary until we're ultra friends! What fun is that? I actually have to play the game to get pokemon I want? That's not fair everything should just be handed to me and be made easy! Come on, I only wanted trading in the game so I wouldn't have to walk anywhere and mooch off the people that actually like playing the game!

This is just how I imagine all the people that complain about really any game that involves work and actually playing it and isn't super easy or mindless. I really do hate when I hear someone call themselves a gamer and they only play COD like you can play most any game with a multiplayer mode and do the same thing.
Now I'm not saying playing pokemon go makes you a gamer, in fact I probably only consider someone a gamer if they're played at least 10 different games and can actually tell me something about them.
Anyway go off topic, so yeah pokemon go wooh! New update and friends


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